ok so i got the new Gallows record, Grey Britain, a couple weeks ago cause i know some people that are famous and influential but i didnt want to rub it in so i waited until now to talk about it...this way its out, you can get it at your local record store and listen to it at home and not feel inferior to my famous friends even though most of you are...its just better this way. ok with all that said fuck this record is good. they really branched out and took some chances on this record and it paid off in spades (i dont really know what that euphemism actually means - but im using it to say it went really well.)
my favorite tracks so far are London is the reason (clever ass title with a GnR cockswagger of a chorus), Black eyes ("i know where you live" - line of the year), and i dread the night (i think this is my favorite.) i really recommend picking up this record. if you liked the last one, it will take a few listens but youre liable to like this one even better. and if you didnt like the last one, you may enjoy this record too because it is different from orchestra and shows a grate progression in a very promising young band.
ok thats all hope you all enjoy xofrank